We as parents of kids with food allergies can be fraught with stress and anxiety about what could potentially happen to our kids. Or we can actively take another stance.....
I believe our children are individual souls with their own blue print. They will draw to them lessons and life experiences no matter how much we protect them. They will be safe, because they attract love and positive attention from those that are around them.
Others will look out for them, keep them safe and ensure they don't slip up. If they do there are plenty of people to catch them fall, help them through and assist them in learning the lessons that need to be learnt.
If we try to live our life with an open heart, we provide our children with a great role model. I believe love attracts love. During our food allergy journey we have met some amazing open souls who provide us strength when we need support and love when we need guidance.
It is important to believe our children will grow up to be strong and healthy individuals who are free from fear and anxiety about what may happen!